Thursday, February 23, 2023

Lent 2


Breathe in God’s love…breathe out love for the Author and Source of love.

Breathe in God’s love…breathe out love for those whose presence warm your heart.

Breathe in God’s love…breathe out a prayer for the anxiety/fear/anger/frustration/ energy of emotions that stir in all of us.


Be in this moment and pray with me.

God, You call us to first notice that You are here in this very room with us; that there is nowhere we are that You are not; You go before, beside, and behind us.  Help us in this season of Lent to stay aware and awake to You.  Unclog our ears from the cacophony of a world flooded with words and demands and decrees.  Untether our hearts from agendas that promise us freedom but only after we pay four easy installments of $19.95, plus shipping and handling.  Unmoor us to set sail within us in the sea of life, caught up in the current of Your presence.  We pray for the coming forty days that we would set our intentions and attentions toward moments of prayer, connecting with You, naming and noticing what is within us and between us and around us.  Help us be curious.  Open us to wonder and awe at the mystery of each day.  Let the unfolding days and weeks be for us an experience of good news that You are with us and for us and set us free from all that seeks to confine or define us by any other name than, “Beloved.”  In the name of the One who lived and taught us to trust in this truth, Jesus the Christ.  Amen. 

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