Thursday, January 19, 2023



Breathe in God’s love…breathe out events or experiences this week that have hurt you.

Breathe in God’s love…breathe out joy for this moment to be here.

Breathe in God’s love…breathe out a kind thought or word to yourself, others, and the world God so loves. 


Here we are past the midpoint of January 2023. 




Be here.


What is one moment this month that you celebrate?  An experience that brings a smile to your face?

What is one moment that left an impression ~ good or bad?  Can you hold that lightly?

What is one prayer you have for the remaining days of January?  Name and claim what is deep in your heart.


The more we look around, open up, and let God sing to our souls, I believe the more we can forgive, be present, and be love because we are grounded in the truth of being beloved of God.

May you have love, may you have healing, may you have peace, and may you have joy. 

Breathe and be in God’s presence now and in the days to come.  Amen. 

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