Friday, January 6, 2023

Happy Epiphany


Happy Epiphany everyone!! 


Today is a celebration of the visit of the Magi/Wise Ones (we don’t really know if there were 3 or just a group who brought 3 presents) to witness to Jesus as a king/leader.  The Wise Ones ~ usually thought to be astrologers ~ were students of the stars.  Some suggest that the star appeared, they read the signs of a new king of Israel~ but then the star disappeared which is why they went to Herod’s palace ~ because, of course, a king is found in the palace.  Then the star re-appeared to lead them to where Jesus was.  Or maybe they had lost the star only to find it again.


Here are some ways to celebrate Epiphany ~


Do a house blessing ~ buy going room to room asking for God to find space there.

Eat a three kings’ cake or any cake or a donut.

Some people go winter swimming to remember baptism ~ I will say that I will NOT be doing that because the water is too cold ~ but I will recall my baptism as I wash my hands and face.

Listen to music you love or go out and stargaze.

There is also the tradition of a Star Word…and you can copy and paste the link below into a new tab in your browser to discover your star word.

OR we will do this in worship on Sunday as well.  Or you can do BOTH.


And if you go stargaze read this poem by Ann Weems:


What I’d really like to give you for Christmas is a star. . . .

Brilliance in a package,

something you could keep in the pocket of your jeans or in the pocket of your being.

Something to take out in times of darkness, something that would never snuff out or tarnish, something you could hold in your hand, something for wonderment, something for pondering, something that would remind you of what Christmas has always meant: God’s Advent Light into the darkness of this world.

But stars are only God’s for giving,

and I must be content to give you words and wishes and packages without stars.

But I can wish you life as radiant as the Star that announced the Christ Child’s coming,

and as filled with awe as the shepherds who stood beneath its light.

And I can pass on to you the love that has been given to me, ignited countless times by others who have knelt in Bethlehem’s light.

Perhaps, if you ask, God will give you a star.


May the star of wonder, star of light, star with royal beauty bright ~ continue to guide you with a light every day this year.  Amen. 

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