Friday, November 18, 2022



Here we are, O God, midway through November.  Visions of turkey dance in our heads, we can almost taste the sweet potato, pumpkin, chocolate pie on the tip of our tongue.   We long to feel our hearts strangely warmed as we approach Thanksgiving in less than one week.  Here You are, O God, with us even as we know our Thanksgiving may not be a Norman Rockwell painting version.  The turkey might be dry, or the pie dropped, or conversation turn toward a topic that causes the tiny vein in our neck to throb. 

Here we are together, O God, in this less-than-perfect present wilderness-wandering moment.  Help me, O God, be open to You…not just in the great and grand, but even in the messiness and broken.  Help me, O God, be open to You…not just when things go my way, but when life takes an unexpected twist or turn like a rollercoaster.  Help me, O God, be open to You knowing that Your presence doesn’t make everything magically better but does cause my mind, heart, soul and life to turn toward a fullness and wholeness that other things I buy cannot.  Thank you for this day.  Thank you for this breath.  Thank you for those whose love and friendship and presence are a gift that reminds me Your grace is not abstract but encountered in my life.  May my life be caught up in Your great composition and story that is unfolding in this day.  Amen. 

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