Thursday, October 27, 2022



Breathe in God’s grace that saturates our lives…breathe out the troubles and struggles that so often occupy our minds.

Breathe in God’s comfort, care…breathe out the pain that we can’t seem to process or ever let go of.

Breathe in God’s love that renews and refreshes and like water is constantly being recycled.


What sits on the shelves of your soul this morning?  What news from family or friends or the headlines you just read?

What stirs in your heart?  The love of people that infuse and inspire, experiences that hurt and leave a mark.

What roams around your mind, problems on which we can fixate and ways I can creatively catastrophize thinking, “This is the worst thing ever!!”  Oh, I am so good at creating future fictional problems, worse case scenarios, you’d think my degree was in this art form. 


Now, pause.  Listen to the gentle breeze or bird or even the sound of the soil changing outside.  What wisdom does this offer you? 

Now, pause.  Listen to the hum of lights or the air conditioner or the very sound of your life.

What wisdom does this offer you?

Now, pause.  Listen to your head, heart, and soul all seeking alignment with God as you start this day.

What wisdom is there within you?


May the One who calls you, “Beloved,” have the first, middle, and last word this day and this week.  Amen.

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