Thursday, September 22, 2022

Prayer Practice Part Two


Breathe and be aware of God’s presence.

Breathe and be aware of God’s grace and love.

Breathe in the Sacredness of your body all the way down to your feet and legs.  Exhale out the aches and pains.

Breathe in a hope that can feed and fuel our souls….breathe out our constant criticism, pointing out what is wrong.

Breathe in a love that is needed today…breathe out the fear that resides rent free in our hearts.

Breathe in a joy that brings a smile to your face…breathe out the wounds of words that fester in your mind.

Breathe and be.


Name aloud one person who shared and shine his/her/they light with you.

Name aloud one place where like Jacob you exclaimed, “Surely God is in this place and I didn’t know it”.

Name aloud one emotion in your soul and why you feel that way.

Name aloud another emotion in your heart and why you feel that way.

Now select one scene from the past few hours to replay on the movie screen of your mind.  What did you feel in that moment?  What did you say?  What did you hear?  Would you like to go back to let God edit that part of the story of your life? 

Where do you need God to sit in the director’s chair guiding you in the hours to come?


How might peace, joy, love, and grace find space to reside in you?

How might you share these gifts with others in real ways to help with the healing of a hurting world?


May this prayer practice fill you, bless you, and send you forth with God’s embrace surrounding you.  Amen.

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