Friday, September 23, 2022

Friday Prayer


God of every season and second in life, September has turned a corner and is heading toward October.  Pumpkin spice everything is being promoted around us and Halloween candy calls out to us each time we go to the store.  There is much in this life, O God, that is good.  Thank you for sweet blessings and people who help us practice laughter’s healing art.  There is much that we need to grieve individually and collectively.  The pain that hovers and hangs in the air also sits on the shelves of our souls.  It would be so much easier, O God, to just place all of our problems on those people.  We confess we’ve convinced ourselves that things will be better when I am King or Queen of the world.  But You enter life, not with armies or force or even pontificating preaching, You enter life in subversively subtle ways that too often we miss.  Thank you, O God, for prayer practices that are a framework for focusing on You.  Thank you, O God, for moments of goodness and grace.  Thank you, O God, for emotions that are important information. Thank you for times we slow down with You to review our lives so that You help us tell a better story.  Help us today in all we encounter and experience to be open to You, Author and Conductor of the musical production of our lives.  Alleluia and Amen. 

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