Friday, September 9, 2022

Friday Prayer


Our prayers this morning go to our sisters and brothers in UK mourning the death of Queen Elizabeth.  May God's comfort and care embrace and enfold all those who hearts are heavy.

This coming Sunday, September 11, we will sing the hymn, "God of Grace and God of Glory" as our opening hymn.  Here are some additional verses I wrote inspired by that melody and music:

God of grace and God of glory on your people pour your power. 

Infuse us with Your wisdom, bring the fruit of life to glorious flower. 

Grant us wisdom, grant us courage, steep in Your love empowered,

filled with Your grace we are empowered.


God of presence and God of peace, we need Your wisdom more than ever. 

Too often we stumble and faulter trying to be seen by others as clever. 

Realign us to Your way, compel and hold us with You to stay;

be with us in all we say today.


God of challenge and God of growth, sometimes we’re not sure where to go. 

Too many words, emotions, or thoughts like a hurricane wind in our that blows. 

We need Your calm, centered love to be discovered and awake to Your glow,

that we get caught up in Your flow.


God of blessing and God who sends us, led us now into this day. 

Let us share and shine our light, we need grace that helps us play. 

So cause us to be alert to all the ways Your love is displayed,

so that every moment we may stay/pray/and feel Your ray!

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