Thursday, August 4, 2022

Thursday Pause


“Silence is God's first language; everything else is a poor translation.” ― Thomas Keating


Today we push pause to breathe and be.  We lean in to listen to God who comes not always with blazing boldness, but in stillness…small voices…and even silence.


So breathe in this week…breathe out the ceaseless striving we fill our days with.


Breathe in the words you wrote in your circle that you are not sure you could ever share with someone else….breathe out the truth that nothing…NOTHING separates you from God.


Breathe in a promise and presence that makes you whole…breathe out the fragmentation and frenzied ways of life.


Breathe in love…breathe out pain.


Breathe in God’s wisdom…breathe out your own clinging to truth.  Give up on the tired, old idea that you know what just happened.


Breathe and be in the presence of the One whose first and last word is silence.  Amen.

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