Friday, August 26, 2022

Friday Prayer


God, Your giving knows no ending. You continue to draw the circle wide. Help me, even as I struggle to love especially those who drain me and the wounded ones who hurt me. This is NOT the script we are given in life. This is NOT the way we are certain we can live. Yet, deep in my heart, I do believe that the way of hesed, the loving kindness way of Ruth and Naomi, can and will heal the world. Grant and give me a Ruth courage to love, not just the companions and colleagues, but all those who cross my path this day. Thank you for people whose love reminds me of Your love that never lets me go. Continue to inspire and infuse this sacred dance between “me” and “we” in life today. In the name of the One who gathered friends to share life’s journey, Jesus the Christ. Amen.

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