Thursday, July 21, 2022

Wisdom from Winnie the Pooh Part 4


 “People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.” ~ Winnie the Pooh


What would it mean for you to do nothing today?

If you are like me, a cold shiver just went down your spine!!

You mean just sit here.  Not write.  Not read.  Not binge watch Netflix?

Just be and breathe?


Some of the most brilliant people in the world carved and calendared time to breathe and be.  The world was not always on a treadmill running and racing as fast as you can.  The world was not always connected by the phone in your pocket and notifications that sent you reaching to respond immediately. The world was not always busy or living life in a frenzied, blurry pace.  As one article recently put it, we all need a big chill pill ~ to daydream, stare out the window, sit on a park bench, and let your mind-wander. 


What if, after lunch today, you did nothing?  After lunch don’t race and run to the next appointment or to do item.  What if we took Winnie the Pooh’s wisdom of doing nothing, that science backs up as being very necessary for our well-being (body, mind, and soul) as an invitation?  By the way, the church, borrowing from our Jewish brothers and sisters, has talked about this for centuries ~ we call it Sabbath.  I pray this practice today awakens your awareness of God’s grace ~ and you would live from that place of love.  Amen.    

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