Thursday, May 5, 2022

Thursday Pause


Thursday pause comes with an invitation today.

Name the ways God surprised you this week.

Notice moments you stayed open to God’s movement and caught a glimpse of God’s grace.

Even as the world roared and gnashed teeth, you bravely and boldly said, “Resurrection happens”.

New life is happening here, even as the constant drip of negativity soaked and saturated your soul.

Easter-ing is a verb and way of being.

Easter-ing is an openness and anticipation of God.

Easter-ing is naming and noticing how God shows up.

The more we are awake and aware of the Holy hovering, the more we keep searching for God.

Join me today…breathing in God’s joyfulness and exhaling the tension.

Breathe in God’s promise…breathe out the sense that “it” is all up to you.

Breathe in God’s creativity…breathe out the idea that you are all alone.

Breathe in God’s mystery…breathe out that responsibility to solve every problem.

Breathe in God’s energy…breathe out the temptation to toss in the towel.

Breathe in the new life of this day God has made…breathe out the belief that there is nothing new under the sun.

Today is brand new…tomorrow is too.  May this truth guide your life with every breath you take.  With great love for this day to be an Easter people.  Alleluia and Amen.

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