Friday, May 6, 2022

A Brief Prayer for Today


A brief prayer on this Friday, O God, for You to anchor each of us amid the current of life in these days.  When images of war in Ukraine still cause us to wonder, “What can I do?”  When the pain of discrimination and stories of other’s hurts sit uneasy on the shelf of our souls.  When the constant chatter in our minds has endless color commentary of ways we are bumbling and stumbling, we need Your Resurrection power and emphatic, “Yes!” to life.  We long to remember that You are hovering in our lives.  We need Your surprising grace to remind us who and Whose we are.  We need Your love to feed and fuel what we do and say. So as we enter this day, help us move in concert with You.  Help the melody of our lives be in tune with You.  And let our words and actions be part of Your symphonic fanfare in these days.  Alleluia and Amen.

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