Monday, April 18, 2022

Easter Monday


Artwork by Brenda Robinson, click here to view more of her beautiful art

Let the Easter light of promise and possibility shine bright on our lives and world today.

Let God’s emphatic, “Yes” to life find a home in your heart to stay.

Let today be different, distinctive, and overflowing with holy play.

While brokenness and hurt remain, those truths don’t have the final say.

New life is planted in the soil of your soul on this holy Monday.

What is growing with silent hopefulness, where is the first sunlight ray?

What awakens within you curiosity and courage to go down a new pathway?

A way where point scoring, winning, and bank account balances don’t hold the same sway.

One where we seek to let God’s presence pick up the pen to author our life’s essay.

Yesterday our “Alleluias” filled our hearts, homes, and set us down a grace-filled highway.

Today, we are asked to live our lives as Easter people with God’s love as our headway.

So join me as we continue to let Easter resonate and reside and resound and relay,

Life can be found in the most unlikely places of a tomb we expected grief’s gray gloom.

Yet, there, like at the manger, God surprises Earth with Heaven in brand new ways.

We are asked today, standing in the wilderness of life, two paths diverge, we are at a crossway.

One says, “Go back to normal, nothing to see here, take the known, familiar walkways.”

But the other path joyfully beckons that you to live each day as Easter, the Lord’s Day.

I pray on this Easter Monday we might leave behind the ruts and break away.

To see grace, light, hope, peace, joy, and love for the promise and possibility they convey.

May these words stir your soul to find a way of being, living that isn’t cliché.

And fill you with wisdom, enthusiasm, and alleluias that continue to lead the Easter way.


May you and I continue to practice resurrection and live the truth that God’s story is at work in our lives this week.  Alleluia and Amen.

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