Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Easter-ing way of life


God, let Your Easter light soak and saturate the ordinariness of my day.

Let Your love, grace, and wisdom guide me each step along the way.

I pause this morning to settle into Your Sacredness and start to pray.

Thank you for moments when I laugh, connect with friends, and play.

Thank you for Your voice that leads me back when I go astray.

Help me when the pain, prejudice, and power lure me to sway.

When I am tempted to walk through harmful or hateful doorways.

When I feel closed off, isolated or alone and life goes sideways.

I need You, O God, to help me not just on Sundays.

Enter my life to dispel the actions that delay or dismay.

God, You are the Source of life where my soul longs to stay.

So, we pause together, trusting that today will be okay.

What stirs within you this morning?

Where is there the struggle or stress of emerging from the chrysalis?  

Where do you need more time before a transition?

How is embracing and embodying Easter going in your life so far?

Prayer: God of every moment of each day, help me to stay close to You this day, I pray.  It can be easy to get lost amid the countless things calling me to obey.  I get lost, lonely, and resistant to Your way.  Yet, You persist in ways that warm my heart and soul.  May this morning meditation continue to guide me each hour this day.  Alleluia and Amen.  

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