Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Easter-ing as a way of Life

This week we are continuing to let the light of Easter show us the way and shine forth in our lives.  On Easter Sunday, I offered you the butterfly as an image of how Creation teaches and tells us a truth about life.  It is the struggle of a butterfly trying to emerge that gives strength.  If a butterfly emerges too easily or early, this part of God’s creation won’t be able to soar or fly.  Look back on your life, have you had a moment where the struggle to go a new way was helpful?

Are there ways you find yourself wanting to stay in the cocoon?

What is changing in your life since Easter?

What still needs time to be formed or is not ready to emerge quite yet?


The Spirit of being an Easter people means we continue to ask these questions.  Often the directions for where we long to go and who we long to be take time to be formed by the One who isn’t finished with us.


Some places I am longing to let God’s presence inform, influence, and impact my life:

In how I show up to be God’s love to my family;

In how I show up to be your pastor;

In ways I seek to participate prayerfully in our covenants of Creation Justice, Open and Affirming, and Racial Justice;

Practicing laughter’s healing art;

Slowing down to God’s savory pace;

To realize that God is not finished with me yet.


In what ways do you find the images and invitation of Easter lingering in your life?


Prayer: God, thank you for the ways You continue to weave Your presence into my life.  Let Your threads of promise and possibility color the fabric of my life in new ways.  Help me pay attention knowing and trusting that where my attention goes, there my energy flows.  Weaving God, enfold and embrace me this day and this week.  In the name of the One who knits us together to be the community of Christ here and now, Jesus our Savior.  Amen.


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