Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Endless Loop of Love


I recently read that as humans we have approximately nine opportunities every day to show empathy.  I love that someone counted!!  The point is not whether the number is nine or more like ninety-nine.  The point is there are moments every day you can show compassion and care to yourself and others.  We are empowered to do this because we first receive compassion and care from God.  I am convinced that some of the most miserable people in this world are worshiping at the altar of a judgmental God; an envious God; an angry God.  What is filling the jars of our life is how we live our life.  If we fill the jar of life with negative news and anger, we probably won’t be whistling happy tunes as we waltz down the street.  I know because I can be a bit of a worrier and anxious person.  Okay, honestly, if there was an Olympic sport for worrying and pessimism, I’d have a shot at the gold!  I am often a glass half-full and cautious person.  If I am not careful, what fills my jug and jar of life will be a whole lot of nervousness.


This brings me back to the nine opportunities for empathy, care, concern, and showing God’s love.  The contradiction of worry and anxiety for me is that I experience daily God’s love.  I feel it in my wife’s hugs, laughter with my kids, and the heartwarming comments from you.  I preach about God’s love because I see it, hear it, encounter it, taste it in cookies and lunches share throughout my day.  And yet, my soul can be a cul-de-sac.  God’s love enters in and never exits to another person or me.  Sometimes my soul can be a dead end, but our souls were made to be in relationship.  We receive love and we give love.  We are nourished by love so we can nurture another with love.  Unlike oil or coal or other finite resources, love is infinite because it comes from the Infinite.  Or, if you would prefer that scientifically stated, there is exactly the same number of atoms in the observable world as there has always been.  Wait, you might want to re-read that sentence, because it makes my mind hurt.  There is the same number of atoms as when the dinosaur roamed, my great grandparent’s rode in horse and buggy, and when I was born.  Same.  Even as there has been massive changes, it is the same number of atoms that make up the new material.  The atoms/energy, or what I would call, “love”, is constant.  We create that love in new ways, but the more we share, the more the love can circulate.  However, just like when the Israelites gathered just enough manna for the day, I think when you try to hoard love it goes rotten and gets ruined. 


Nine opportunities you have today…I encourage you to keep track and see.  Perhaps you might even find ninety-nine ways to love self, others, and God this week.  Amen.

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