Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Love Part Three


I pray yesterday you found ways to sit in the holy darkness sensing God’s love enfolding and hold you.  I pray you found ways for the candle of Love to guide you on the longest night.  I invite you today to ask yourself,

“What is one way I can clear away the clutter for the Christ-child and God to enter into my heart anew and afresh on Friday?” 


I know that is a big question.  I appreciate if suddenly you feel like a child who didn’t study for the test and are thinking, “Um, I don’t really know.”  Yet, I encourage you to sit with this question for awhile.  You don’t need to come up with the absolutely most perfect answer ever.  I am asking for one way your shy soul is suggesting you might engage prayerfully and intention between now and Friday.


You might clear away the clutter by sitting silently listening for God.

You might blast and blare carols, joining your voice in singing out Joy to the World.

You might bake some sweet treat you can remember your grandmother making on the days before Christmas.  By the way, I always remember my grandmother would make a candy called, “Divinity” which was essentially one full bag of sugar, a few eggs, and light corn syrup (just in case the bag of sugar wasn’t sweet enough.  Plus, it was “light”, so it’s healthy right?).  Alongside the fudge my grandmother would make, it is a wonder sometimes that I still have teeth left. 


I digress.


I want you, dear reader, to know that you don’t have to be Super Spiritual Woman or Man somehow creating what will be the best Christmas ever.  You don’t need to have the most absolute awesomest Christmas.  Be open, be heartfelt, and how God is singing to you now.


I want you to listen to what your soul needs before Christmas Eve.

I want you to create intentional space for the Sacred.

I want you to have permission to do something that helps your heart feel strangely warmed or grow three sizes like the Grinch.


As a matter of fact, I think today I am going to watch two of my favorite classic cartoons from my childhood: “A Charlie Brown Christmas” (Linus telling the Christmas Story opens my heart every time.)  And then follow that with, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”.  You gotta love the song, “You’re a mean one Mr. Grinch.”  And you are going to be singing that all day long now.  You are welcome.


Tend to what your life needs this day as we inch closer to the holiest night of the Christian year.

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