Thursday, November 11, 2021

Morning Meditation for Thursday


Whew, you have made it to day four.  I pray you are finding these invitations helpful and meaningful.  Please remember a spiritual practice and prayer posture is not something you “have to do,” “ought to do,” or “absolutely must do”.  When we are engaging God, I want to start by creating a guilt free zone.  God does not deal in shoulds or demands, God is One of holy invitations and awakening our awareness of love and grace in this world. 


This begins with your breath.

We build our inhale and exhale with silence both internally and externally.

We cultivate and create sacred space for Sabbath.


Now, we seek to live simply.  Simplicity can be everything from what we consume and what is consuming us.  Simplicity can mean monitoring how much news we are watching or what we are buying or what we are eating or how we are exercising.  Simplicity involves reviewing your calendar, check book, interactions, internal dialogue, and all the components that comprise life to see how these parts/pieces are working together ~ or are in tension.  Holy review of what is making up the stew of your life in these days.


For me, simplicity is about checking in with my mind, heart, soul, and body ~ which Jesus said all four are directed toward God’s love.  I check in with the thoughts roaming around my mind and the emotions in my heart and how God and I are doing and how my physical body is feeling.


In what ways can you check in with yourself today?  How will that information guide you toward transformation in God’s loving image?  How will letting God speak through your thoughts, emotions, holy connection, and physical being make a difference?


I pray that you will not only answer those questions, but you will also seek to live your responses in ways that honor you are God’s beloved.  Amen.

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