Thursday, October 7, 2021

God's Calling ~ Threads and Themes


This week we are opening our life each day with our Sherlock Holmes’ hat on to see where we might be sensing the Spirit and where we feel like we are in the doldrums.  Where do we want to drop the anchor of the boat of our life to enjoy the Eternal and where do we feel like there is no wind in our sails.  Where do we feel like we are cruising along skimming the surface of the stream of life and where are we depleted.  Hopefully you are continuing to each night look at your life.


One way we explore our calling is not through some intense prayer retreat or some survey we fill out or psychological tests ~ although all three of those can provide beautiful insights and can be helpful.  One way we explore our calling is to notice the patterns of life that get played out.  Are there any themes or threads of experiencing the Eternal that are starting to emerge through this exercise?  By the way, it may be way too early to see or sense any patterns that are being played out.  But today is a good day to look over the last three days at moments that filled you with life.  Because where there is life, there might be seeds of your calling.  Or, maybe you are filled with curiosity and fascination, this could be what you are reading and can’t wait to share an insight with others.  Or perhaps threads and themes of teaching and learning are seeds of your calling.  Perhaps where you are feeling alive is connecting with others.  Maybe you are alive outside in God’s first testament of creation, there is a calling to help others notice the beauty of the world.  Is there any connection day-to-day where you are feeling most alive?


Today, take time to see if there are threads/themes starting to slowly emerge, just like a small sprout peeking out of the soil in Spring.  There may not be any themes yet, so continue to be open to God’s movement on this Thursday.


Prayer: Gracious God continue to remind me that calling doesn’t need to change the world and solve every single problem.  You crafted and created me in particular and powerful ways with gifts and limitations, so help me continue to life Your image which embraces both.  Amen.

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