Friday, October 8, 2021

God's Calling ~ Day by Day


I pray you found some faithful fodder in the invitation to explore and examine your life this week.  I pray you will continue to do so.  Our callings are not discerned in the blink of an eye.  We cannot manufacture or microwave the movement of the Spirit.  We stay open to God’s continual calling ~ seek to unfurl and unfold like the flower our life is.  Part of what I love about the Abraham and Sarah narrative is that they are called late in life.  When we arrive on the scene of the story, we don’t know much about their past.  We know they don’t have children.  We know that Abraham seems to be financially secure in life.  Maybe Abraham sold camels or rakes to made designs in the sand because both those jobs sound like a fun and profitable professions.  We know that God calls them at age 75.


I will let that last sentence sink and settle in.


You are never finished with your calling.  Your calling shifts.  Abraham and Sarah were already called to one way of life ~ or more likely many ways of life ~ prior to when we meet them in Genesis.  Maybe they were trying to enjoy the good life, going to go spend more time at the beach or take up golf.  But, God continues to call them, AND God calls each of us as long as we have breath.


In new ways…each day.

In life-giving moments…and sometimes on the spur of the moment.

In staying the course…and sudden shifts in new directions.


Your life, minute upon minute, is one way God shows up.  I pray each of us continues to both pay attention and find the courage and conviction to respond to the holy beckoning us forward.  May your life be a faithful prayer of words and actions and openness and willingness each minute today. Amen. 

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