Thursday, October 28, 2021

God's Calling ~ Isaiah Part 4


As we continue to explore Isaiah’s calling as informing our calling, here is a question: How do you expect God to move in your life?  Yesterday, I invited you to go outside because that is where God moves in my life.  This does not need to be true for you.  Maybe you, like Isaiah, need to be at church or in a sacred space for God’s still speaking voice to get a word in edgewise.  Maybe for you, God tends to show up when you are with a certain family member or friend.  Or God meets you when you are at a particular coffee shop or out gardening. 


Can you rewind and review your life for where and when God tends to show up most consistently?


This can change over time.  We can go through a season where our morning coffee meditation on the lanai no longer nourishes us.  Or we go to a retreat center that we have been to for years and the feeling just isn’t the same.  But there are bread crumb clues the Holy leaves scattered around our lives ~ like an adult Easter egg hunt.  To be clear God doesn’t do this because God wants to frustrate us or trick us…God does this because the joy is in the discovery.


Wait you missed that point.


The joy is in the journey.  The joy is in the aha moments.  If God just texted you the five-year plan, even as good as that sounds right now, there might be a part of us that questions if it was really going to play out that way.  The joy is in the moment-by-moment unfurling/unfolding of our lives.  In the shifts and exit ramps and holy ways God is showing up in your life. 


Wherever and however you most consistently connect with the Divine, I encourage you to enter that Eternal presence – with your expectations and your fumbles and questions and hopefulness.  May you find joy, a sacred and life-giving joy, in such a moment today.  Alleluia and Amen.

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