Monday, August 16, 2021

Remembering Today


This week, I want to engage the metal mental file cabinet in your head.  I want you to rummage through the file folders there.  Specifically, today, I want to honor that August 16 Aretha Franklin died in 2018 in Detroit, Michigan, at the age of 76.  The undisputed “Queen of Soul,” Franklin defined the age of soul music in the 1960s and 70s.  Her voice ministered to people in life-giving ways.  Just last Friday a movie on Aretha's life came out.  There are documentaries you could watch to learn more about her faith and strength.  

I believe listening to Aretha sing can minister to your soul.  Listening to her music is a wonderful way to honor one of the greatest singers in my lifetime.  I have posted a link above to listen to her Greatest Hits Album.  

I invite you today to recall when was the first time you heard Aretha Franklin sing?

What is your favorite Aretha Franklin song? (Mine is "Respect" because it was the first song of hers I heard and as kids we would sing it to each other when we felt like we had been disrespected.  Now, I honor this song as giving voice to a central need we all have to be seen/treated/received/honored as a beloved child of God).

I invite you to listen and remember.

I invite you to listen and then post in the comment section YOUR favorite Aretha Franklin song or a story about her music in your life.

May we, today, remember and honor the life and legacy of a voice that defined a generation.  Thanks be to God for the gift of Aretha Franklin's voice that she let loose and shined her light on this world.  

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