Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Then Sings My Soul!!


We made it to July!  It is a new month, and we are halfway through 2021.  The first full week of a month is an opportunity to pause, to breathe, to reflect, and to share.  This week I want to emphasize the “social” part of social media, by inviting conversation and connection.  A few reminders about commenting:

1.      Be kind and loving.  This is a chance to share and practice caring for each other.

2.      Receive each other’s responses with openness and curiosity.

3.      Honor the beautiful diversity that we do not all need to agree, but we can all listen and learn from each other.

My prompt for conversation today is your favorite pick-me-up song.  On those days when your heart is heavy or soul is sagging, is there a song you can play that will help lift your spirits?  One that you cannot help but sing and even dance along to.  One that perhaps you play each Monday as a prayer practice to start your week.  I know that you are thinking, “Wes, I have at least ten, if not twenty, right now all clamoring, ‘Pick me! Pick me!’.”  I appreciate you have a whole soundtrack, and this conversation could and might go on for days, which is great.

I, too, have many songs that lift my soul, but one of my favorites is, “This is Me” from the Greatest Showman soundtrack.  First, I think this is good theology in proclaiming that each person is created in God’s image.  Second, the melody is catchy.  Third, the words are like an anthem to let my light shine and brings a smile to my face.

Above is a version of the song to listen to. Now it is your turn.  Post in the comments a favorite pick me up song you play.  This is a wonderful opportunity for each of us to go and listen to each other.  Bonus points if you share a bit about why this song lifts your spirit.  I can’t wait to both see and listen to your pick-me-up-song!

Prayer: God who sings and conducts creation into being, help us find You in each other’s comments.  Amen.

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