Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Growing and Dwelling in Christ


But each of us was given grace according to the measure of Christ’s gift. (Ephesians 4:7)


Do you remember this song, “This little light of mine”?  I recall singing that at the top of my lungs at summer camp and Vacation Bible School every year.  I love songs that have actions that go alongside and accompany.  I remember putting my index finger in the air to represent my “light” and waving my finger around like I just didn’t care. 


I wonder, where are you shining and sharing your light right now?  With your family?  With your friends?  With your neighbors?  With those in the wider community through volunteering?  You shine your light through giving your time, offering your talents, and sharing your treasure.


After you reflect on your own light, where does your light join with others?  In those summer camp experiences I learned that one flashlight was good, but several flashlights could help us see even better, especially when we all coordinated and collaborated on which direction we should shine our collective light!  


You are given grace freely and called to let God’s grace loose in your life in ways that bless others.  Each day is a new day to faithfully offer God’s presence in this world.  To be sure, we don’t always get right, but with God’s love all will be alright.  Prayerful ponder the gifts within you in these day and ways you can offer your full self to others.


Prayer: Let Your light spark within me, O God, a warmth that I am enlightened and empowered to share with others.  Amen.

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