Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Undertaken by God's Glory

Some nights the beauty of a sunset lets loose with all the crayons from the crayon box.  
Some nights the glory of God is painted in orange and yellow and red smudged together in sacred ways.
Some nights the clouds can't hold back or put at bay God's presence.
Some nights call out, "Pay attention...this sunset will never happen like this ever again."
Some nights the world is alive and cause me to feel more alert.
Some nights you just need to take out your camera and capture the moment on your phone.
Some nights I stand in the middle of my street aware of how time moves too quickly and with every sunset another day of life comes to a close.
Some nights the mystery and marvel of the moment brings a tear to my eye.
Some nights I am undone by God's glory and feel the need to share.

What might happen tonight?

Will I notice the sun setting or be too busy with my tasks?
Will I spend time outside in God's creation or stuck inside sharing time with a screen?
Will I look for God in surprising ways, realizing if yesterday the sacred showed up in a sunset, today the holy might appear as a caterpillar creeping on the sidewalk or a comment my wife makes on our walk that can strangely warm my heart?
Will I think I have it all figured out or realize how much I don't know?
Will I look at where I missed the mark that day or where I sense God's grace or be open enough for both?

Now, I hold this fragile, fleeting moment from last night as a reminder to pay attention prayerfully and patiently today.
Now, I hold this fragile, fleeting moment of right now, remember God is here.
Now, I hold this fragile, fleeting moment lightly, because if I cling or try to control, time can break like an egg when I am not careful.

This present moment is all I have and all I have is this moment with God.  May this truth ground and guide me every moment today.

Prayer: May these words, O God, leap from the screen to the hearts of every person who encounters these words above.  Amen. 


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