Monday, May 17, 2021

Laughter's Healing Art Part Two

A few weeks ago, I preached a sermon about a frog that found its/his/her (not sure on the specific pronouns the church frog prefers) into our office bathroom.  

Then a few days later...

I look up and see this frog on a window of my office.

Either this frog and I have bonded in some Ecclesiastes 4 sort of way. (Which you can click here to read the verses I have in mind)

Or this frog would like to join our church.  Which would be great because, you know, "Whoever and wherever you are on life's journey, we welcome you."

Or there is a Moses-like plague of frogs going on at the church and I (like Pharaoh) am missing the point.

Or the frog is secretly recording my every move and reporting back to the Moderators of the church what I am doing.  This last one is a bit far out there.  But to be honest, you are reading a meditation about a frog, so we might have already left any kind of rational and reasonable land of thinking awhile ago.

I have talked before about the prayer practice of paying attention.  I could have missed this frog (the one I saw in the bathroom was a bit more obvious).  I could have been staring at my screen or so wrapped up in my to-do list that I missed Kermit (that's right, I named him/her and I am sticking with the name).  

To be sure, I miss traces of God's grace and unconditional love all the time.  I miss moments when God appears like the Trinity to Abraham and Sarah.  I miss the movement of God because of the perpetual motion of my own life.  

Today, I invite you to prayerfully and patiently pay attention. 
Scan and survey what is surrounding you.
Be open to what God is up to in your life.

And if you happen to see a frog, that will clearly be a God moment.

Prayer: God hop and hover and hum in our lives today in meaningful and sustaining ways.  Amen. 


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