Thursday, November 12, 2020

Two Weeks Til Thanksgiving


Morning Meditation ~

Two weeks from today is Thanksgiving.  For me, it doesn’t quite feel right because I know that Thanksgiving this year will be unique.  I am wondering what sorts of plans you are making for that day?  I know I won’t be joining church members at a restaurant for plates full of turkey and pieces of pie.  It will be quieter and perhaps more somber given the state of the world with the pandemic.  Yet, I know that the first Thanksgiving perhaps wasn’t the feast we now associate with the day (I will say more on that in the sermon on November 22nd – which is a total shameless plug).  Yet, this year I am being invited to give thanks, not because I have to or because everyone else is, but because such an act is life giving.  For me, thanksgiving isn’t just a day, it is a state of being.  To be sure, it is a state of being that at times eludes and evades me, especially this year.  At moments giving thanks can sometimes feel a bit forced.  But when I begin to think about the blessings and my gratitude, it shifts my attitude.

How does such a shift of attitude toward gratitude start?  Great question, I am glad you asked!

Recently I made a list of 50 things that bring me joy as part of a class I am leading on Zoom.  Others in the group did the same.  We shared some of our lists.  It was a blessing.  It was a moment that both gave voice to what brings me joy (family, ice cream, writing, reading, walking), but also hearing others ideas reminded me of additional experiences that bring me joy (like vacation or chocolate – not sure how I forgot those in my initial list).  

I encourage you to think prayerfully about how you will approach Thanksgiving in a few weeks.  I encourage you to sit down with a piece of paper, number one to fifty, and begin to make your list of what brings you joy.  Note that you may need to start the list, pause, walk away, and come back.  You may need to talk to others and share your lists with each other to be reminded of what warms your heart too.  You may find some things on your list that you want to include on the Thanksgiving table – like chocolate and pizza – just because this year is different.  Or things you want to do that week – like going for a walk and taking a photographs – to prepare your heart.  As we turn toward Thanksgiving in a few weeks, may your heart and mine be open to God’s grace and love every day.

Prayer – sing/pray with me: Praise God from whom all blessing flow; praise God all creatures here below; praise God above ye heavenly host; Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost.  Amen!!

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