Friday, November 13, 2020

Communion Again


I started the week with communion and want to end the week here.  Specifically, Jesus’ invitation that every time we take bread, break, and eat, we do so in remembrance of him.  This isn’t just confined to a sanctuary and communion.  The communion table connects and extends to your dining room table when you take bread into your hands and break it.  One of the blessings from digital worship is that you are living the priesthood of all believers.  You are blessing the bread and consecrating the cup.  Plus, the fact that your dining room table becomes an altar is an affirmation that I pray continues for years to come.  Given these truths – you are blessed by God and can celebrate communion any time you wish as well as your home is a sanctuary – means that today at breakfast, lunch, and dinner is a holy meal.  
The image that comes to mind is when I am eating a bowl of soup, there is always just a bit at the bottom I cannot get.  So, I take a bite of roll to soak the last little bit of goodness.  That is a holy act.  
Secondly, I think seeing our dining room tables as communion tables reminds us of our connection to Christ every day and wherever we are.  You are re-membered, which means re-connected and re-joined to the sacred, every time today you break bread and drink juice.  I need reminders every day of the holy hovering and hanging around me.  When I let this wisdom get a word in edgewise, I start to slow down at meals and savor what I am eating.  I sense the connection to the good earth that yielded the apple or grapes or tomatoes that made the soup.  We are interconnected to the soil that is in our souls from the food we eat and to God who crafts, creates and loves into being the good earth from which it comes.  I pray these words might sing to your soul and stay with you every time you pull a chair up to the table to eat today – for indeed, that is a holy moment of communion.

Prayer: Please pray/sing with me: Come to the table to grace, come to the table of love, come to the table of peace, your table is Christ’s table, come and remember who/whose you are.  Amen. 

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