Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Wednesday Word

Twenty years ago today I married my best friend.  I remember my nervousness and hopefulness having a meeting in my stomach.  I remember walking down the aisle, standing before the pastor who spoke about love being a three-fold chord, the person who sang, "In this very room there is quite enough love", the reception, opening gifts then next day, everyone leaving...then thinking, "Now what?"

What happens on the day after the celebration is life.

Twenty years later.
Two teenagers.
Three moves across the country.
Vacations to amazing places.
Pizzas on Friday nights.
Grieving family members deaths.
Ordinary days.
Stressful days.
Days my heart seemed to grow three sizes.

Our relationships matter.  Perhaps more than a profession or any other accomplishment, what we really leave in this world is our fingerprints upon the fragile hearts of others.  That is it.  Regardless of who is trending right now on twitter or what is causing our hearts to break today or what we cling to and try to control - most of this is fleeting and fading.  I am always taken by these words:

The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. 

You might recognize that as part of Lincoln's Gettysburg address.  The irony is that his short speech is remembered and memorized and recited still today.  But it is one of very few speeches remembered.  Instead of trying to come up with the best blog post ever.  Instead of thinking that my profession as a pastor will somehow outlive me.  Instead of trying to be seen as successful in the eyes of people, I invite you to consider the people whose opinions matter the most.

The people who know you and love you in your beautiful brokenness.
The people who you can be with and not feel compelled to say a word.
The people who you share the roller coaster of life with every day.

In those relationships...may you remember that is where traces of God's grace are most often found.

Happy Anniversary to my best friend!  Here is to another twenty years.

Blessings ~~ 

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