Friday, August 14, 2020

Friday Prayer

Listen again to the words of, "Invocation".
Hear anew and afresh the call to open your heart to the holy.
Hear anew and afresh the call to listen, lean in to the sacred.
Hear anew and afresh that our connection to God is what feeds, fuels our souls and whole lives.

What this past week would you share with God?
The good ~ moments of joy overflowing and times of peacefulness.  The good tension that can come from hard, holy conversations.  The good blessings of seeing one another, even if it is only on a screen.  The good and traces of grace that littered your life these last few days.

Name and notice, share aloud to the screen.

The bad ~ the moments your heart was heavy; the increasing numbers of people dying from the virus, the systemic racism and discrimination against people created in God's image, the brokenness of relationships that won't mend easily and sometimes no matter what we do.  

Name and notice, share aloud to the screen.

The ugly ~ the quicken pulse of anger and frustration fuming at someone, the polarization that has become normalized in our country, hatred of someone who thinks/votes/believes differently, the ways we treat creation as a means to an end and value people only on their productivity.

Name and notice, share aloud to the screen.

Listen and lean into the holy hovering and hanging around you.

What does God celebrate with you and in you?

Be still and know God.

What breaks God's heart?

Be still and know God.

Where is God's prayer not being lived and how might you be God's hands/heart/head in embodying God's dream in one way?

Be still and know God.

Now listen again realizing that once we awaken to the holy around us, once we invite and invoke our awareness of the holy, we cannot stop.

So may this moment leave a lingering trace of God's grace that transcends every moment this day and week.


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