Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Word Wednesday

quirk·y /ˈkwərkē/ ~ adjective ~ 

characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits.

Inside each of us is a quirky part yearning for expression and to be let loose in this world.  Over time, rules and social situations and peer pressure pushes that quirky parts of us down until we seal those traits tightly in jars and place them on the shelves of our souls.  We are all quirky as kids.  Coloring outside the line; skipping when everyone else is somberly walking; yelling when everyone else is quietly concentrating; let the unique and beautiful ways you are created in God's image out while others are all wearing a suit and high heels and other clothing that constrains the body/mind/soul.

We learn this in school where we sit in neat rows, raise our hands, and don't chew gum.  We learn this in homes where slurping spaghetti (which clearly is how this food was meant to be consumed) gets a lecture from your parents...because they got a lecture for their parents...because they got a lecture - well you get the point.  We learn this when others ask us, "Why are you wearing that?"  And we realize that wasn't a question as much as a critique.  

And while your quirky side may accept some of the constraints...especially when your mind says, "It is for the good of society to follow the rules."  You also wonder, who made up these rules!!  You may also see others push the boundaries.  Silently admire the people who wear a bright yellow shirt and pink tie - and seem to get away with it.  The ones who write poetry or have a hobby of spelunking.  The ones who seem to dance just on the inside edge of the rules.  And when you meet that person, the tightly sealed quirky traits in your soul...start to clamor to be unleashed.

What quirky traits would you say you have?
What rules would you love to break if only you had the courage?
What ways would you live if you didn't have to worry about other's reactions?

How might some quirky parts of you...the you you love deeply...the you the world needs right now...the you that doesn't hurt or harm others but could bring new light and love into this world in amazing ways...the you that wants to break out of the mold because honestly you'd rather be remembered as daring than boring...the you that doesn't question if this is financially responsible... the you that wants to be an expert stick figure artist...the you that wants to race off to capture the beauty of life one photograph at a time...the you that wants to explore blades of grass and study the stars.

You...beautifully and boldly created in God's image.

You...beloved and beheld by God.

You...that might experience traces of grace if you let that YOU loose now for the sake of the world.  Amen.

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