Friday, July 10, 2020

Prayer Friday

How can it be, O God, that this year is over half-way finished?
How can it be, O God, that this year is only half-way finished?
How can it be, O God, that anything else could be crammed into this chaotic time?
How can it be, O God, that we need to summons the energy for one more day?

So create in me a quirky soul.
A soul that is inviting and interesting and involved in this beautifully broken world.
Create in me a quirky soul.
A soul that yearns for connections and collaboration and calls out to others to join in.
Create in me a quirky soul.
A soul that can be quiet and creative and contemplative and courageous.
Create in me a quirky soul.
One that plays with words and forms sentences like -
"The praying platypus purposefully posed with a bowed bill and folded her paws together."
Because even I don't know what that means!

Let me loose into this day with to pray.
Let me loose into this day with love...and people to share it.
Let me loose into this day with hope...because You are not finished with us yet.
Let me loose into this day with purpose...prayer...and playfulness that might bring forth Your realm.

Let me loose...but keep me close that I may discover You in others, in myself, in creation, and especially in that praying platypus...whose name is probably Phoebe.


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