Friday, July 17, 2020

Prayer Friday

How can it be, O God, that You are here in this room?
Are you woven into the woodwork of this dinning room table?
Has Your love, joy, and power been absorbed into the walls?
If You are the ground of being, does that apply to the floor supporting me?
If You are the holy other, does that mean You are hovering and hanging in the air I breathe?

In this room...
Look around the room where you find yourself right now.
What stories would that room tell if it could speak?
How as the room witnessed the good...the bad...the ugly of life?
What would be the story the room would share of the time laughter wouldn't cease?
Or the time tears drenched your cheeks and your heart ached?
Or the words you said that you wish you could take back?

In this very room...
Quite enough love to hold all that.
In this very room
Quiet enough joy to sing for the amazing and abundant grace of God weaving our daily living together.
In this very room
Quiet enough power to continue to renew and reconcile us through holy ordinariness.

In your very room.
Holy ground just as Moses stood upon before the burning, blazing bush afire with God.
In your very room.
Where you find yourself right now.
In your very room.
God is.
That is more than enough.


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