Monday, July 20, 2020

Music Mondays

I have been listening to Brian Enos' Ascent a lot recently.  First, I find the music calming in the midst of a chaotic world.  Second, I find this video to offer a different perspective.  Seeing the whole earth rather than just my small, cluttered corner of it.  I find myself trying to fathom the number of people who live here, the lives they all lead.  It is so easy to get wrapped up in my stuff, to think that I am the center of the drama of life.  Carl Sagan once said, "Everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives, on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam."  I need that bigger perspective: not everything is about me ~ there is so much mystery to life that can never be known ~ my ideas shift as the world spins (after all what I thought ten years ago is different than what I thought ten days ago) ~ beauty and brokenness are part of life on this planet. 

I invite you to listen to this a couple of times.

First, what does getting a wider view of our world awaken within you?  Are there thoughts or emotions or words that stir?

Second, do you find a sense of peacefulness listening and watching?  Why might seeing from a different perspective help?  How might this be a spiritual practice?

Third, go out for a walk or outside, how is your corner connected to all corners of the world?

May the one who moves through the melody and mystery of music surround you with more than a trace of grace.

Blessings ~~

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