Monday, May 6, 2019

Encountering Joy

“Shut your mouth; open your eyes and ears. Take in what is there and give no thought to what might have been there or what is somewhere else. That can come later, if it must come at all." C.S. Lewis Surprised by Joy

What was the most joyful moment of your life?  

Maybe it was of children...job...vacation?

Maybe it was a time you felt at peace and content.

Maybe it was this moment right now, because this moment is bursting and breaking with so much ~ most of which we don't see/sense/hear/comprehend.

Maybe you are a bit flummoxed by the question, because the hard wiring in your brain wasn't configured to seek out joy.  After all, no one pulled me aside in school and taught me how to stay open to joy.  In fact, growing up I was taught joy was to be delayed and even diminished.  You had to have all your chores done because joy could come knocking on my door ~ usually in the form of going to play kickball with my friends.  And if that is the operating system of my brain, we all know that in the adulting world...our work is almost never done.  There is always some glass doors to clean or bath tub to scrub or work task I should...ought...have to do.  I was also taught to diminish joy least someone who was feeling lousy saw that I was not...and you could, the reason went, make that person feel worse.  And you wouldn't want to do that, would you?  Would you?

We can also be flummoxed or frustrated because joy seems in such short supply today.  When was the last time you heard more than one joyful story on the news?  It happens...but usually not for days or weeks on end.  We prefer to shine a light on the brokenness of the world.

To be sure, there is a lot of sharp shards we need to be careful of out there.  There are people who pass along their pain in their comments, actions ~ some of which are downright violent.  There are people who are hell-bent on making sure everyone is suffering - because misery loves company.  

Ever stop and ask, why?

Are you telling me that today, not one single good/joyful thing happened?  I know it isn't going to get re-tweeted a million times (unless some celebrity posts it).  I know there is no chance a news report is going to show up at my home tonight to interview us about how we laughed at our family meal or how a hug made a difference.  But why do those moments seem to be less valuable in our minds?  

Right now I am sitting in a comfortable chair with food in my fridge and soft music playing.  By world standards...and historically speaking...that is living the good life for many people in our world.  Yet, we don't often see that perspective because all we know is the script we have been given.  That script says, "Keep pushing yourself...keeping checking emails...keep responding right away to text.  Keep busy because if someone asks you how you are doing and you dare not to respond with 'Busy' or 'Good...but I gotta go.'...something must be wrong.

Maybe what is wrong is this pace...this addiction to hurry we have.  This constantly on the go, fill our calendars.  For what?  Did it bring joy today?  Did is share joy with someone else today?  

What brings you joy...just let that question sit and simmer in your soul.  I pray as you stay open to all the ways joy might be encountered in your life ~ there will be more than a trace of God's grace.

Blessings ~

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