Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Patterns take two

I pray over the last few days you have begun to see, sense, name and claim some patterns around you and within us.  Maybe you have noticed patterns that bring beauty like the shell above.

There are also patterns that can lead us away from wholeness and health. 

I have those patterns too.  Patterns of my type-A personality shifting into over-drive even when my tank is on empty.  Patterns of pushing off prayer...as if to say to God..."Oh, I got this one, God.  You can go deal with some thing else."  I am always taken aback by the 15th Century reformer, Martin Luther who would quip, "Oh, I am so busy today...I must make time to pray."  I am so with Martin, until he said that second part. 

I like the patterns of busyness...which is to say patterns of feeling useful-ness and needed-ness.  Patterns when my ego proves just how needed and necessary I am...only to eventually go on a vacation and realize the church and the world can keep on spinning without me.

Patterns have positives and negatives.  It is not either or...it is both and.  Both offer us a chance to reflect and see if there is a trace of God's grace moving in our midst.

So, what patterns help you discover and delight in God?
Which patterns distract you and pull you from the One who is the center/creator of the patterns?

My Spiritual Director just told me this story.  Up in New England, round about March when the ground will soften with a thaw one day ~ only to become hard as iron the next day ~ it is not uncommon or unusual for a dirt road to form deep ruts.  One day, while driving down the road, my director noticed a sign that read, "Be careful what rut you choose...you'll be in it for the next few miles."  That hilarious story names a truth in our lives.  We need to select our patterns carefully, thoughtfully, and prayerfully.  We need to now that we have the creative ability to move into other ruts that might lead to a deeper blessing for such a time as this. 

I pray as you turn the coin to see the other side of patterns, there may be a trace of God's grace leading you toward a different way and a different rut. 

Grace and peace everyone ~~

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