Saturday, January 27, 2018

Patterns of life take 1

Patterns are all around us and within us.  We see it above in the photo of a tree stump.  In Dan Brown's most recent book, Origin, the main character says this, "A pattern is any distinctly organized sequence.  Patterns occur everywhere in nature - spiraling seeds of a sunflower, the hexagonal cells of a honeycomb, the circular ripples on a pond when a fish jumps."  Patterns are also found within us.  As we map DNA or day-to-day life.  I have a morning pattern of going to the gym, drinking my coffee while checking email, and then heading to church.  I have a weekly pattern of what happens on Monday through Saturday.  These patterns are on repeat and are re-played in our lives.

What patterns do you notice around you?
What patterns can you name within you?

Patterns are important because ~ a). they reveal to us a certain beauty.  I love a Jackson Pollack painting of splattered paint as much as the next person...chaos can contain beauty too...but my life seems to hum best - as well as reflect God's creativity in nature - when I am in a pattern.  But also, b). patterns can help us find rhythm to God's presence woven in our midst.  I know ever week during worship one of the hymns or a sentence from the liturgist will send shivers down my spine.  Expecting and even anticipating the pattern helps keep us open. 

Without patterns we can feel adrift, lost amid too much tossing and turning.  Think of it this way, how often have you been away on vacation - having a grand/great time - but at some point said, "It will be nice to be home in my own bed and eating my own food."  When I say that, it isn't to take away from the fun or adventure of the moment, but to name/notice my own craving for the patterns of life.

I want to invite you to notice your patterns...

What patterns each day bring smiles to your face?
What patterns each week cause goosebumps to race up and down your arms?

One last example, every Friday night at our house is pizza and ice cream night.  It is a sacrament of Biblical understandings.  Every week, we sit around processing the week and then tasting the goodness of grace found in a double scoop of ice cream.  I can't tell you exactly how we fell into this pattern, but I will tell you our kids crave it to the point when we schedule sometime on Friday night, even something fun, they are prone to say, "But that is pizza and ice cream night!" in protest. 

Patterns matter...make a difference...and can reveal more than a trace of God's grace.

I pray you might sense that this day and this week.

Grace and peace everyone ~~

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