Wednesday, November 8, 2017

A Good Day Take Two

What is a good day?  That is one of the questions that can haunt me a bit.  The stakes seem high.  When there are so many pushes and pulls in our many things we would rather not do.  Plus, this feels like some pressure.  So often I can let the demands of others fill my hours rather than my own voice.  But we need a good day we distinguish and define.  And actually, God said this from the beginning when the seventh day was given as one called, "Good".  We need to lean into and live out this invitation of "Good". 

Good, as I said previously, doesn't have to mean awesome or amazing or best ever.  We live in an over hyped world.  If you don't believe me, turn on the television to some sports event and listen to how the person over came great adversity and now sits before you smiling, like life is grand.  The story we hear all around us is success and achieve and don't settle for just "good" enough.  So, let's name and notice our difficulties with this word, "Good".  But let's reclaim and retrieve a sense that "Good" is a holy word.

So...good day for me is one spent with family, where there is laughter and love surrounding me.  It could be hiking around creation or Disney World.  The most important part for me is the togetherness.  But then, after spending the day together, a good day also has space for me to read and write.  Posting to this blog about what I am encountering in what I read and ear is a sacred praxis of thought, action, and reflection.  I encounter, experience, and then try to explain.  This kind of space is holy and good to me.  So there would be a dance of interacting with others and enjoying my introvert time too.  There would be a dance of doing something and sitting/simply being.  There would be a flow to the day where I would be fully awake and aware...not just a blur.  To me, it is less about what I am doing and more about how I am moving in my life ~ that is a good day. 

But I keep prayerfully pondering this great question...and I hope you will too.  I know over the last few days I have felt more than a trace of God's grace and pray you did too.

Blessings ~ ~

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