Friday, November 10, 2017

A Good Day Take Three

A good day is one with a hug...
One where a smile sits on my lips...
But not in a way that denies the dangers lurking, lingering around me and the world.

A good day is one where I can cry with someone who needs to cry.
Good and happiness need not always be interchangeable or even compatible.

A good day starts with a cup of coffee, steam slowly rising reminding me of a savory pace.

A good day starts with a walk truly seeing the different shades of green in the palm leaves.

A good day continues with my family.  Doesn't matter where or what...just being together.

A good day means a good lunch.  Maybe a peanut butter sandwich that sticks to the roof of my mouth and takes me back to my youth.

A good day means something fun in the afternoon.  But then as my inner two year old cries out for a nap...I listen!!  I slow down to stop doing and simply be.

Maybe I will even write a silly post for this blog that maybe somehow in someway gets your mind, heart, and soul stirring!!

A good day means a good dinner.  Tonight is pizza and ice cream night at our house...a holy tradition.  That is a good dinner.  Or chilly on a cold day.  Or a hamburger on a hot day.  It really isn't about the food anyway.

A good day means nestling close to the one I said, "forever" to.  It means letting her smell awaken my senses.  It means hearing her voice and feeling her touch.  That is a good day.

A good day...because it doesn't just have to be one.

Grace and peace ~~ 

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