Sunday, October 2, 2016

On the Move, Part One

Boxes...bubble wrap...tape
The tools of the trade when moving.
Excitement and nervousness stir, swirl together.
Sadness of leaving what is known behind.
New possibilities sit beckoning before you.

Packing items from familiar places.
Dust awakens and arises.
Past touches your fingerprints transporting you back.
Every item saturated with memories of words and laughter and tears.
All are there.

Carefully place the past in the box,
Not wanting to disrupt the hum you felt as you held the item.
Hoping that perhaps it might still be there when you unpack weeks later.

God's people on the move.
From Egypt to wilderness long.
Yet, even when we leave the past, the past takes time to leave us.
Even when you try to flee,
Somehow those words still fall into the boxes,
Scatter across the brand new canvass of the life you want to create.

God's people on the move.
From a narrow place to a wide open space.
From that which confined to that which was confusing.
From normal routine to new rhythms.
Not always external...sometimes it is internal.
Ideas move in new directions.
Ways you want to exist int he world.
Which direction are you moving?
That questions awakens me the moment my feet touch the carpet each morning.

Let the motion and moving of my life, O God,
Get caught up in your divine direction.
Let the motion and moving of my life, O God,
Unpacking my life in the new place that is this day.


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