Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Egyptian State of Mind

In Scripture Egypt means a narrow space...
Between a rock and hard place...
Where it is difficult to breathe because,
You have six hundred Egyptian guards breathing down the back of your neck behind you...
And a churning, crashing Red Sea stirring chaotically in front of you...kind of space.

Ever been there?

Ever been there where you keep turning in circles and there are no exit strategies?

Ever been there where you look and nothing seems to be going right?

Where you around bound up by problems plaguing you from all directions?

That is Egypt.

That is where we cry out to God.

God hears...
God sees...
God knows.

Knows not only intellectually, but intimately knows the way I know "that" look from my wife.
The way I know when my daughter wants me to do something.
The way I know when my son is trying to be sarcastic.
The way we know those who know us best.

Egypt...the place that oppresses is also the place where liberation begins.

Out of struggle there is the dawn of promise.
Out of pain there is the hope of healing.
Out of darkness there is dawn.

It isn't either/or
It is both/and.

May the fullness of Egypt...the problems and possibilities be for you a place where the traces of God's grace still hear...see...and know you this day.


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