Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Lent Prayerful and Intentional

Out of peace slowly start to accept what is, what can be, and what might be,
I find my voice.
The ancient word voice has the same roots as vocation.
My profession and job
What I do...but more importantly what I feel like I was made to do.
Not only the stuff people are willing to pay me for...
But the important stuff that makes getting out of bed in the morning more than tolerable...
Actually exciting!

The courage to change the things I can.
To find that crossroads where my gifts
And the needs of the word.
Intersect...even diverge from the beaten, normal, natural path.
The place where I can be fully me...without changing what it means for you to be fully you.

That is a holy space.
That is holy ground.
Like Moses standing before the burning bush.
Like Ruth declaring on the road to Naomi, "Your people will be my people"
No more division between us and them.
No more division between heaven and earth.
The heavens are torn open...God's presence swirls like a wild colt on the run.

When we find our voice.
When our passion connects with the compassion needed in the world God so loves.
When we get caught up in something bigger than ourselves, 
What God is up to in this world.
It is there that we find a new sense of the word, "Change"...
A new life.
A resurrection.
A promise that today need not be like yesterday.
Change...not controlled or calculated but caught up in a mystery that is more than us.
That kind of change isn't about laws
Or voting
Or documents.
It is about life...true life...the flow of God's life moving around us and within us.
The kind of life worth changing.

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