Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Sermon Talk Back Take 2


As we continue to reflect on what has stayed with us in the Sermon on the Mount, I want to circle back to a few of the images I find most powerful, especially in the season of Lent.  Today, Matthew 5:13-14.  When I preached on this passage, I offered the question, what is on the spice shelf of your soul?  I suggested in that sermon that as a church our spice shelf contains our Covenants of Racial Justice, Creation Justice, Open and Affirming/Celebrating.  Also, we have our core values of justice, faithfulness (growing in the image of God for the sake of the other), worship, welcome, belonging and caring.  The reality of spices is that you can mix and mingle different amounts to alter/adjust the taste.  Just as there is a big difference between a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon in a recipe, so too, with our core values.  Or if we keep reaching for only one of our core values or emphasize only one of our covenants, that will begin to change the flavor of life at our church.  And, the more difficult reality is, just like spices, we all have different taste buds.  What is “enough” salt for one person will be bland to someone else.  So too, what is “enough” worship for one member feels like we are scratching the surface for someone else. 


Here is the difficult/demanding question: Who gets to decide the recipe of faith at First Congregational UCC?  To be clear, it is not the pastor!  In a Congregational system the power is in the people.  Members of the church have a voice and vote.  Which means you have to talk to others!  Which means, you must listen to each other!  Which means, because of that part about love later in chapter 5, we are called to care for each other.  This is hard, holy work.  Especially in a culture where we prize individuality and where we live with the Burger King slogan, “You deserve to have it your way.”  Where our leaders demand and decree, my way or the highway…that they are the bus driver and can kick you off.  When you look over the spice shelf of our church, which spice(s) do you find yourself connecting with first ~ how do you prioritize the words above?  Which one do you wish we could use sparsely or sparingly?  Which one, like salt, can you not get enough of?


And what are the spices on the shelf of your soul?  What are your values?  If you are unsure, look at your calendar and credit card statement.  For where your treasure and time is, your heart will be there also. 


Today, pause and reflect on the values that contribute to the recipe of life and how we might let God, who is the master chief, rummage and roam and create a feast for our souls in these days. Amen.

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Sermon Talk Back Take 2

  As we continue to reflect on what has stayed with us in the Sermon on the Mount, I want to circle back to a few of the images I find most ...