God of wisdom and words; God of
songs and silence, God who shows up each day in ways that awaken us and deepen
our awareness of the holiness of life, thank you for this season of Lent to pay
attention to You. Thank you for the
invitations to the spices on the shelf of our soul and the spices we turn
toward and sprinkle in our life as a church.
Thank you for the sermon our life is preaching ~ give us ears to hear
and hearts that are open. Thank you for
invitations to explore the worlds that the words faithfulness, forgiveness,
generosity, prayer, and fasting open up.
We know there is more in the Sermon on the Mount than we can ever
exhaust in this life. Help us find that
one inch of Jesus’ sermon where we can meditate/marinate in the secret sauce of
You. Be with us as we continue the
season of Lent and I pray for every person reading these words that these days
would not be dripping, drenched with guilt or unworthiness, but living
creatively, faithfully, bravely and boldly our faith You inspire. Lead us to a place; Guide us with Your grace;
To a place where we'll be safe saturated in your love. Amen.
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