Happy Ash Wednesday,
everyone! First my birthday and now Ash
Wednesday, when will the fun stop?!? Here. The fun stops right here as we begin Lent
which is that church season drenched and doused in guilt and apparently not
eating meat on Friday for some reason? I
know it was about giving something up to symbolize Jesus’ loving sacrifice, but
I wonder if Jesus would rather we give up hurting and harming and treating each
other as less than fully human. Lent is a holy (sometimes hard) season to be
honest about the places where we do not see clearly. The coming forty days shine a spotlight on
where you and I (being human size) do not practice what we preach, where we
resist and downright refuse to love another human being because of who they are
or what they believe or how they hurt us!
As we begin this holy season of
Lent, hear these words from Jesus:
Ask, and it will be given to
you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for
you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone
who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. Is
there anyone among you who, if your child asked for bread, would give a
stone? Or if the child asked for a fish, would
give a snake? If you, then, who are evil, know how
to give good gifts to your children, how much more will God will give good
things to those who ask!
What are you asking God for
right now?
When was a time you asked God
for something and it felt like the answer from the Holy was, “No!”? Perhaps you prayed that a family member would
be cured, or a marriage would be reconciled or that as people we would stop
killing each other! While I do not know
for certain, it makes sense to me that people in Jesus’ day were praying the
Roman Empire would be overthrown. We
know people came to Jesus pleading, which is to say praying, for healing ~ so
do we. And we know that Jesus didn’t
heal everyone. Prayer can be
contradictory. On the one hand, we know
God is not Santa Claus or a Genie or a vending machine giving us what we
want. On the other hand, our most
fervent prayers are often for others who we love to be freed from pain,
suffering, discrimination or death. Hold
the messiness and un-answerability of this passage ~ because I don’t think this
is a puzzle we can solve, but a mystery we seek to live with lots of questions
and doubts and faith.
Keep reading with me ~ In everything do to others as you would
have them do to you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
What was one action you offered
another in love this week? Did it feel
like love was returned or did the person trample on your tulips or make a
sarcastic, snide remark?
Where is one place today you can
enter the room with love?
Finally read this with me ~
Enter through the narrow gate,
for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and
there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is hard
that leads to life, and there are few who find it.
For me, these two verses help
shed and shine light on what we have read above ~ not just today but all the
way back to the beginning of Chapter 5 over the last several weeks! This way of Jesus is not a highway we zoom
down, but a twisty, turning, difficult dirt road with ruts and bumps that
damage the suspension system in our logic and disrupt us in ways we’d rather
not discuss. To be sure, I think the
gate to God’s way is wide open! You
don’t have to show your baptism card or badges on your heavenly sash or show
that you are worthy. You are welcome. There are no qualifications, no resume and
cover letter needed, no gate keeper.
Jesus welcomes you as you go stumbling through the gate single file into
the spaciousness of God.
What is on the road right now for you?
Look around your life on this Ash Wednesday. Open your heart and be held by a mystery that
knows your prayers, doubts, disappointments, joy, anger ~ that great stew in
your soul ~ spiced with flavors from your life from the spice shelf of your
soul. Amen.