Yesterday, I invited you to
immerse yourself in pondering how God’s love is showing up in your life or
maybe where God feels a bit distant or disconnected. How is love flowing from others or maybe you
feel a drought/deficit in love for/from the people closest to you. How are you loving/caring and receiving love
for yourself? Those questions, Jesus
said, are at the center of faith. We can
spend our whole life and never exhaust or explore all that is evoked in this,
because every day adds new experiences and fresh expressions (both good and not
so good). So today, I offer you a
blessing from Jan Richardson:
Blessing That Meets You in
It is true that every blessing
begins with love,
that whatever else it might say,
love is always precisely its point.
But it should be noted that
this blessing has come today
especially to tell you it is crazy about you.
That it has been in love with you forever.
That it has never not wanted to see your face,
to go through this world in your company.
This blessing thought it was
high time it told you so,
just to make sure you know.
If it has been shy in saying
it has not been for any lack of wanting to.
It’s just that this blessing knows the risk of offering itself
in a way that will so alter you—
not because it thinks you
could stand some improving,
but because this is simply where loving leads.
This blessing knows how love
undoes us, unhinges us, unhides us.
It knows how loving can
sometimes feel like dying.
But today this blessing has
come to tell you the secret
that sends it to your door: that it gives itself only to those willing to come
that it vows itself only to those ready to be born anew.
Read, re-read these
words. Return to your circles to see
what new expressions you might add to God, others, and yourself because of the
blessing above. May you live this blessing
soaked and saturated in love this day.
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