Blessed ~ what comes into your mind
when you hear that word? Is blessing
based on external evidence that we can point to and prove your point? Is blessing tied and tethered to the balance
of your bank account or vacation plans or everything going according to your
plotting and planning? It is good to
remind ourselves that within Christianity there remains a stream of thought
that is called, “the Prosperity Gospel” …and essentially that is what you get
when you mix capitalism and Christianity in the laboratory of your life. You will hear things like, “God wants you to
be rich or live your best life ever!”
What is so difficult/demanding is that there is part of us that wants to
believe that God and Goodness are infinitely tied together. Yet, goodness is not perfection. What is good, may not make it into our top
ten moments of life ever! Good can be a
sip of coffee on a chilly Florida day.
Good can be a hug that comes at just the right time, even though it
doesn’t duct tape your broken heart back together. Good can be breathing and being, showing up
even when you are not convinced it made a difference.
And, to name the elephant in
the room, the goodness Jesus speaks of in the Sermon on the Mount are the very
experiences and encounters we tend to question whether God really exists. Jesus juxtaposes contradictions. Blessed are the poor? Well, maybe when they have a good job and
house, but not when scrapping together.
Or, we can idealize poverty as somehow being closer to God, like monks
and nuns who take vows to never own anything. I believe the Beatitudes should feel like
nailing Jello to the wall, because these words are not just spoken to our
minds, but to our whole lives.
This is not just intellectual ascent, but a reordering of a whole system
(political, economic, social, and religious) that might cause us to question why
we are doing what we are doing. And
of course, most of the time, people like the status quo and prefer that you not
ruffle their feathers, thank you very much!
There is no one way to solve
this Rubix Cube-like puzzle of faith. I
imagine the disciples’ jaws dropping when they heard these words. “What in the name of Yahweh are you talking
about, Jesus?” God continues to
surprise earth with heaven in ways we don’t understand but we stand under to
guide us. I invite you to pick
one of the beatitudes today and sit with the mystery shoved in a puzzled
stuffed in an enigma that it is. And I
would love to hear your insights and questions into what you uncover as you do
this. May God’s wisdom continue to
challenge us in life-giving, discipleship-forming, and
never-finished-with-us-ways in these days. Amen.
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