Wednesday, December 11, 2024



One of my favorite poets/writers is Madeleine L’Engle. She writes is profound and powerful words:


I, who live by words, am wordless when
I try my words in prayer. All language turns
To silence. Prayer will take my words and then
Reveal their emptiness. The stilled voice learns
To hold its peace, to listen with the heart
To silence that is joy, is adoration.
The self is shattered, all words torn apart
In this strange patterned time of contemplation
That, in time, breaks time, breaks word, breaks me,
And then, in silence, leaves me healed and mended.
I leave, returned to language, for I see
Through words, even when all words are ended.
I, who live by words, am wordless when
I turn me to the Word to pray. Amen.


I invite you to read the words above several times.  Take the words with you as you venture out.  Read them again over lunch.  Let them dance in your heart during your afternoon nap.  Hold them at the dinner table.  Read them before you lay your head down to sleep and pray to the Lord your soul to keep.  May you sense God’s shalom in each syllable and image and invitation above.  Amen.

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