Thursday, December 19, 2024

Love Loves


Love has no awareness of merit or demerit; it has no scale…love loves; this is its nature.  Howard Thurman


Love is not an abstraction but a concrete reality.  James Cone


Love is not an accounting system, or balance sheet, or a linear, logical puzzle ~ love lives organically.  And like any organism, love is impacted and influenced by what is around us as well as the chemical reactions within us.  Love struggles in the face of hatred and hurt and heartbreak.  Love thrives in moments of laughter and tears shed while someone is holding your hand.  Love doesn’t need to be dissected but is dynamically delivered through the beautifully imperfect vessel of you.  You are, God says, “Beloved”.  This is your name, identity, calling, and blessing to live from.  I know there are so many other voices that want to contradict this or debate this or tell you it is all foolishness. 


And you, beloved, need not conform or contort to others.  Let your words, presence, and prayers be rooted in the reality of love.  Let go of earning and deserving, which God never said would bring love, for the reckless and radical love of One in whose image we are continually crafted.


May God’s love be heard in the song of your life.  May God’s love be tasted in the food you share with others.  May God’s love be felt in your life to flow through you this day.  Amen.

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